Signals are important devices installed in vehicles to assure that accidents can be prevented by any two vehicles by giving signals to each other of their current and future intended movements on the road.

Most states prescribed the rule that any driver with the intention of turning left or right shall make signals 100 feet before turning. Offenses pertaining to failure to give appropriate signals are usually attributed to the driver’s failure to give his signals of intent.

When changing lanes or making turns to the left or to the right, it is necessary for the driver to signal his lights on his car or by making widely understood hand or arm signals to ensure the safety of other road users. A driver’s failure to do so might result in accidents and merit penalties and fines, especially for second and third offenses.


Drivers found guilty of failing to signal before turning to another lane be it manually or using the car lights can be charged with a fine of up to $150 and even 15 days in jail depending on the gravity of the incident.

While highly unlikely for first offenders, second time and third time offenders can be penalized with $250 to $400 plus extended detention time. In the event of accidents, fines and penalties can be more serious.

On matters of the points, failing to signal while causing an accident automatically marks 2 points which later can, after quick accumulation, result in a suspended driver’s license. It also has the potential of making the driver’s insurance fee higher.

What to do?

If a particular driver feels that he or she is not guilty of failing to give a manual or light signal, the driver may appeal in court.

Highly experienced lawyers can file an appeal and make the points and penalties go away. Offenses such as failing to signal can be either intentional or unintentional. Thus, good lawyers can contest such incidents and request for consideration and removal of the points and penalties.

If you or a family member has received a ticket, it is wise to contact our lawyers quickly. We can help you fight to keep your driving privileges and your insurance premiums as low as possible.

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