Under the Massachusetts General Law Section 24(2)(a) of Chapter 90, driving to endanger is a traffic offense basically defined as an act by a motorist negligently operates his vehicle thereby endangering the lives of the public shall be punished.  Driving to endanger also known as “driving to endanger”, “operating so as to endanger” or “generically reckless driving” can also be rendered as a serious criminal offense.

There are many cases or traffic violations which could also be categorized under driving to endanger. Cases involving reckless driving are basically subjective on the part of the police officer. That is, a police officer may accuse a particular driver of speeding or driving too close.

Furthermore, in instances involving accidents, a police officer might issue a criminal citation after subjectively determining that you were at fault.

The Massachusetts law lists two different details: Negligent Operation and Reckless Operation. Reckless driving has something to do with driving with known risks at a higher and more dangerous level. Negligent operation has more to do with carelessness in operation. Unfortunately, despite the gravity of the former and the insignificance of the latter, both are penalized by the Massachusetts law.


“Reckless driving” or “driving to endanger” fall under the Section 24 of Chapter 90 of the Massachusetts’ Driving to endanger laws. Under this law, a fine of up to $200 shall be paid by the driver in question. Further, in the event of accidents, a possible jail sentence of up to 2 years can be added depending on the severity of the case. Also, a $250 fee known as Injury Assessment Fee will be charged. Points on the driver’s record can result in administrative license suspension by the registry.

What to do?

Driving to endanger may be at times a highly subjective traffic offense. Traffic officers can charge any particular driver with offenses that can lead to driving to endanger. Given its highly subjective nature, a driver in question should contact experienced and highly qualified lawyers to defend him and to question the surrounding circumstances of the traffic offense.

There is a huge difference between reckless and negligent driving. Thus, experienced lawyers can clearly delineate the nature of the case of the driver in question thereby contesting the penalties and fines associated with the offense.

If you or a family member has received a ticket, it is wise to contact our lawyers quickly. We can help you fight to keep your driving privileges and your insurance premiums as low as possible.

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